
Testogen Review 2020 – Does It Live Up to The Hype?

Testogen Review

You have probably heard of hormonal imbalance. The cases of people having issues with their health have been increasing over the past few years.

However, when you hear about the cases, it is usually women suffering. Most people don’t know that men can also have an imbalance.

Men’s testosterone levels have been falling in recent years. The number one reason for this is unhealthy lifestyles.

Age is also a factor. The older men grow, the less testosterone they produce, and their bodies may need some help.

Enter Testogen, marketed as one of the best testosterone supplements out there.

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Unlike most testosterone booster supplements in the market, Testogen is made from natural ingredients. It also promises to give you the results you seek in a matter of weeks.

How does Testogen work?

A deficiency of testosterone can lead to men leading a bland life. Using Testogen can reverse the effects of the deficiency in the following ways.

  • Gets rid of chronic tiredness
  • Increases your muscle mass
  • Improves your mental health and helps you focus
  • Helps increase your libido

Testogen is not a steroid supplement. As such, it does not come with most of the devastating side effects of steroid supplements.

It is also not a magic bullet. You need to put in some work to get the results you seek. You need to work out, especially if your goals are physical.

Testogen Ingredients

A supplement is only as good as its ingredients, so what’s in Testogen exactly that you need to know?

Testogen Ingredients Label-min

Fenugreek extract

Fenugreek’s scientific name is TrigonellaFoenumGraecum. The Chinese have been using it to treat skin conditions and other diseases.

Fenugreek has been linked to increased testosterone levels and libido, as we can see in this study (1). It can also help control blood sugar levels and lower the risk of diabetes.

Other benefits of Fenugreek include lowering your cholesterol levels and suppressing your appetite.

The herb can also help deal with heartburn and inflammation.

Tribulus Terrestris

Like many of today’s most popular dietary supplements, Tribulus Terrestris is a botanical that has been in use medicinally since ancient times.

Tribulus Terrestris is believed to have many health benefits, which include a reduction in cholesterol and blood sugars.

While Tribulus Terrestris has been shown to increase testosterone in animals, research (2) suggests that it may not do the same for humans.

However, though it cannot boost testosterone, Tribulus Terrestris is effective at boosting libido. That makes it an excellent choice for a man who wants to increase his virility.

Low libido is a problem too many men suffer from nowadays. When such men consumed Tribulus Terrestris, their sex drive experiences a healthy increase.


Ginseng is one of the most popular herbs. In fact, many people call it the “king of herbs” because of its ability to improve general wellbeing.

Among one of its uses is as an aphrodisiac.

Ginseng is often used by people suffering from sexual dysfunction. This is when one is unable to get satisfaction from sexual activity.

Ginseng has been in use for centuries, having been in use in traditional Chinese medical practices since ancient days.

It is also used by people who want to enhance their sexual behavior. It enhances the man’s erection and is, therefore, a nature-sourced alternative to more aggressive pharmaceutical options.

It also increases sperm count and quality. This is very significant because it means couples with an infertility problem can turn to ginseng as a solution.

Furthermore, ginseng protects the testis from chemical insult. It also promotes spermatogenesis (3) when one is in a disease state.

In Testogen, Ginseng provides these benefits and also has a feel-good factor to it. It keeps you sharp both mentally and physically.

D-Aspartic Acid

Many dietary supplements for boosting testosterone levels contain D-aspartic acid. It is an amino acid.

Aspartic acid has two forms: L-aspartic (called “left-handed”) and D-aspartic (called “right-handed”).

Unlike its counterpart, D-aspartic acid is not used in building proteins. It is instead involved in the creation and release of hormones in your body.

For instance, it can increase the level of a hormone released in the brain, which ultimately leads to higher testosterone production.

D-aspartic acid is an amino acid regulator that plays a role in hormone production. When the luteinizing hormone is produced, this stimulates testosterone production.

When testosterone levels rise, this leads to the production of lean muscle and a rise in stamina and strength. Furthermore, your libido also benefits.

A study (4) found that taking D-aspartic acid caused the testosterone levels of most of the subjects to rise dramatically.

Testogen contains a high amount of D-aspartic acid, in comparison with other testosterone-boosting products on the market.


You’ve probably never heard of selenium. This is because the body only needs it in small quantities, and we can only get it from our diet.

It has several benefits. One of them is that it acts as an antioxidant protecting your cells and, ultimately, the whole body from damage, as you can see here (5).

Selenium also helps reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress leads to inflammation.

Inflammation in the body can only need to problems. It can lead to heart disease, depression, anxiety, and slows down the metabolism.

Selenium is also beneficial for mental health. Its deficiency has been linked to Alzheimer’s, as this study (6)  shows.

Vitamin D

Testosterone levels have become increasingly among men nowadays, and the chief culprit is the unhealthy lifestyles we lead.

Did you know that vitamin D deficiency contributes to low testosterone levels? A study (7) observed that vitamin D supplementation has a positive effect on testosterone levels in men.

Yes, that means getting enough sunlight is an excellent way to keep your testosterone levels up.

Nowadays, people tend to stay cooped up in houses and offices and don’t get enough sun. To get exercise, they go to the gym and run on a treadmill instead of going for a job or walk outdoors.

If you can’t get the vitamin D you need through exposure to sunlight, you can get it through supplements like Testogen.

Testogen contains vitamin D3 cholecalciferol.  Higher vitamin D levels will lead to a boost in testosterone and also improve your sperm quality.


This is a vital nutrient in the body that you can only get from diet. It has several benefits, and one of the most important is boosting your immune system.

Zinc also helps reduce oxidative stress and improves the production of T cells. The T cells are responsible for keeping infections away (8).

Zinc can also assist in beating acne. We believe it is here to help deal with the side effects of the testosterone boost.


Bioperine is a black pepper’s active ingredient, which gives it a unique spicy taste. Physicians have relied on it since ancient times to help patients relieve stomachaches.

Modern science and clinical research have revealed hitherto unknown benefits of Bioperine.

One of its most prominent benefits is nutrient absorption, which is the reason it is included in Testogen. Bioperine is the ingredient that ties everything together.

It can raise your body’s nutrient absorption level. This is sometimes known as “bioenhancement.”

It refers to the body’s ability to get more out of the other ingredients you have consumed. In the case of Testogen, Bioperine is present to help the body absorb the other ingredients.

Therefore, Bioperine is the ingredient that ensures you get your money’s worth. It ensures your body draws maximum benefits from the other ingredients contained in Testogen.

That means it makes the supplement super effective.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in the synthesis of testosterone.

That means a deficiency in Vitamin B is correlated with a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen levels.

Furthermore, in Testogen, vitamin B6 plays the role of reducing tiredness and irritability.

Sometimes you just feel tired and out of it, especially after a long day at work. Vitamin B6 in Testogen gives you a feeling of vitality and aliveness that you so direly need.

When testosterone levels are high, and your energy levels are high as well, there is something attractive about you that appeals to people. You also feel great about yourself and can walk with a spring in your step.

Vitamin K1

The function of Vitamin K1 is similar to the role of Bioperine. Remember that we said Bioperine helps the absorption of other ingredients.

Vitamin K1 is similar, but instead of enabling the absorption of all ingredients, it helps only one.

Vitamin K1 enables the absorption of vitamin D, which is one of the other ingredients contained in Testogen.

It helps the body absorb vitamin D with greater efficiency.

On the other hand, vitamin D provides testosterone-boosting benefits.

This means that a low testosterone level can only be boosted through vitamin D when vitamin K1 is present as well.

Testogen Ingredients

Editor's Choice
See where Testogen stacks up in our Best Testosterone Booster Supplements for 2020!

Any side effects?

Testogen has been made from natural ingredients. It doesn’t present any side effects.

But since different bodies react differently, some users have complained of acne breakouts. The changes in hormones can explain it.

The breakouts are supposed to disappear after your body adjusts to the supplement.

Some customers complained that their urine was a bright green color even after drinking a lot of water.

We believe the color is due to the detoxifying nature of the supplement. This, too, should stop after your body has cleansed itself.

Other users also noticed rapid and increased hair growth on certain parts of the body.

Testogen Pros And Cons

It is not a steroid supplement
Free shipping worldwide
It is made from natural ingredients and is safe for most people to use
Has a 60-day money-back guarantee

It is quite costly
Only available on the company website

How do you take Testogen?

The dosage for Testogen is four capsules a day. You should take them about 20 minutes before breakfast.

To get the best results, you must have a healthy exercise regimen. You can use Testogen for 60 days straight then take a 1.5-week break.

We advise that you do not combine Testogen with other testosterone supplements. Using two at a time may create side effects and end up not yielding any results.

Where can you buy Testogen?

You can only purchase Testogen from the company website. You can visit it here, in case you need to learn more about the product.

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It comes in a bottle containing 120 capsules and will last you 30 days. This bottle is now going for $59.99/£46.78, down from the original $69.99/ £54.57.

But there are even better deals.

If you buy 2 bottles, you get one free and all this for only $119.99/£93.56.

It gets even better.

Buy three bottles, and you get not one but two bottle free! I mean, who doesn’t like to save. This bundle goes for just $179.99/£140.34.

You also get a free e-book with the latter bundle. I don’t know about you, but if you ask me, these deals are too good to pass up.

We implore you to be very careful. Do not try and buy Testogen from anywhere else. There are many fakes out there; there are also look-alikes that are cheaper but also dangerous.

Delivery takes about a day if you are on the UK mainland. If you are in any other country, it will vary depending on the carriers and the day of the week you order.

Is it a good value for the money?

We would say yes. We feel like it has combined ingredients that are very beneficial to boosting testosterone levels.

Testogen also offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee. If it does not work for you, you do not lose anything.

Finding natural ingredients in anything these days is nothing short of a miracle. We are glad that Testogen has gone that extra mile.

Does Testogen work?

From our analysis of the ingredients and the myriads of positive reviews, we should say yes!

Testogen works!

There are many supplements on the market that are marketed are magic bullets. Most of them promise overnight results with no effort on your part.

Some of these supplements do give these results back with devastating side effects.

We love that Testogen does not sell a pipe dream that will burst after a while. You need to do the work, it may take longer and less desirable, but it’s safe and has far-reaching effects.

However, all our bodies are different and respond differently. It may work faster for some, but others may take longer to feel any difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Testogen safe to use?

Testogen is a different kind of testosterone supplement. Many of the supplements in the market are steroids and have severe side effects over time.

Testogen has natural ingredients that are safe to use. Anyone can use it unless you have underlying illnesses.

If you are ill or on any medication, you should seek counsel from your physician before starting to take Testogen.

 Who is Testogen suitable for?

You can use Testogen as long as you are over 18 years old and are looking to increase your testosterone levels.

It can help those who are looking to work out more, build muscles, and increase their libido.

How long will Testogen take to work?

This depends entirely on how long you have had issues with your testosterone levels. It also depends on how severe the issues are.

If you have minor issues or are just looking to boost your levels, you may see faster results, and the reverse is also true.

Assuming you do not have serious issues, you should start seeing changes in a week or so. We feel that anyone should register some results after 60 days.

If you don’t get any results, you should see a doctor because your issues may be more than you imagine.

Can I take Testogen for long periods?

Since Testogen is made of natural ingredients, you may take it for as long as you need it. However, you need to take breaks so that you do not wear out the body.

We recommend that you take a few weeks break after three or four months. This will give your body’s normal function time to get back to the peak.

Our verdict

The conditions in which men live in the twenty-first century are a far remove from the conditions our ancestors enjoyed.

It is how we spend our days: cooped up in cubicles, working in front of a computer for hours with no sunlight.

When we leave work, we go to the gym for fitness freaks. Most of us might have a drink or eat a pizza, or we’ll just slump in front of a TV or laptop.

The problem is, of course, low testosterone levels.  This is the single substance that gives a man his vitality and virility.

When testosterone levels are low, we lack confidence, are unsure. We are not attractive to ourselves or others, we feel weak, like betas, not alphas.

Testogen is a testosterone-boosting supplement. It promises to make men feel more alive.

After reviewing it, we can affirm that it lives up to that promise.

<strong>Shop Testogen Now!</strong>


Editor's Choice
See where Testogen stacks up in our Best Testosterone Booster Supplements for 2020!


*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.

**Disclaimer:  The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results in description and Testimonials may not be typical results, and individual results may vary. We may earn a commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this page.


    1. Effects of a purported aromatase and 5α-reductase inhibitor on hormone profiles in college-age men, Wilborn C1, Taylor L, Poole C, Foster C, Willoughby D, Kreider R,US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    2. A systematic review on the herbal extract Tribulus terrestris and the roots of its putative aphrodisiac and performance enhancing effect, Qureshi A1, Naughton DP, Petroczi A, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    3. A systematic review on the herbal extract Tribulus terrestris and the roots of its putative aphrodisiac and performance enhancing effect, Qureshi A1, Naughton DP, Petroczi A, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    4. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats, Topo E1, Soricelli A, D’Aniello A, Ronsini S, D’Aniello G, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    5.  Selenium supplementation improves antioxidant capacity in vitro and in vivo in patients with coronary artery disease The SElenium Therapy in Coronary Artery disease Patients (SETCAP) Study, Schnabel R1, Lubos E, Messow CM, Sinning CR, Zeller T, Wild PS, Peetz D, Handy DE, Munzel T, Loscalzo J, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    6. Homeostasis of metals in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, González-Domínguez R1, García-Barrera T, Gómez-Ariza JL, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    7.  Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men, Pilz S1, Frisch S, Koertke H et al, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,
    8. The immune system and the impact of zinc during aging, Hajo Haase and Lothar Rink, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health,

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Legwork Team

Legwork is an independent fitness & health and cycling resource, providing all the latest workout tips, advice, training and buying guides. Have any questions or tips? Get in touch:

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